Friday, March 26, 2010

kisah pujian

"come here for a while"..dr.suresh
'yes sir'
"you were born and brought up in Malaysia?"
"did you go to any special school?"
'i would not say its a special school but...'
"what's your father's job?"
'he's an ex army'
"look ...i see that you are a very good are very different from the ..i mean is there any ** x igt dia ckp apa......?"
'well i have many siblings.eleven.maybe i grew up independent because of that'
'maybe it's also part of my father's discipline'
"you probably has gone up to many army areas"
'not really beacause when i was born my father has already retired'
kemudian aku x tahu apa pasal la aku pergi merepek......
when i was in childhood my father did not allow me to watch the tv much.the tv is controlled by my father..(apa pasal la aku nih....haish...)
"but then you are very good .the way you talked is writing is also nicely structured"
'thank you for the compliment sir'

saya ingatkan saya gembira mendapat pujian tersebut.
tapi entahlah kenapa
aku keluar dari kelas dengan badan yang terketar-ketar.
pujian dari dr.suresh membuatkan aku gemuruh,seram sejuk ,takut dan stress.
sepanjang atas bas on the way nak balik rumah,aku hanya mampu beristighfar untuk tenangkan diri yang ketakutan hingga terketar-ketar.

mungkin aku terasa dr.suresh telah meletakkan harapan yang tinggi dekat aku.


kejayaan susah untuk dicapai
tapi untuk mengekalkan kejayaan adalah lebih susah

Ya Allah,permudahkanlah urusanku dan berkatilah hidupku di dunia dan akhirat.

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